How to unlock passion in your business
Is your passion for your business waning? Shivani Gupta tells us how to regain the drive you once had.
A lot of managers and leaders start a career in an area in which they are passionate. After a number of years it is easy to lose that passion. But it is vital that you get that passion back if you are to make your career and your organisation as successful and rewarding as possible.
Being a leader or a manager can be a hard slog. There are many tasks that take you away from your actual craft, all of which can suck away the passion you once had. Sound familiar?
You may think you are hiding it well but believe me it shows when you are not passionate. A lack of passion also rubs off on your staff. You can’t unlock the passion in your staff or expect them to be passionate about their work if you aren’t.
If you are felling little dispassionate, sadly you are not alone. The US Harris Interactive Study reveals less than half of people are very passionate about their work. While 44% of small business employees feel very passionate about their work, just 28% of people working in large firms do.
To be a great leader you not only need a vision that you really believe in but you need to be able to communicate that vision. That is much easier to do if you have unlocked your passion and enthusiasm.
What can you do to unlock or regain your passion?
1. Ask yourself what you are passionate about. It may be that you no longer have a passion for your current business and are passionate about another one. It may be time to move on.
2. If the passion for your current business is just dormant, then remind yourself of the specifics of the passion you once had. Try to outsource, delegate or delete the things in your working life that you are not passionate about.
Unlock your passion today as a first step toward a more prosperous and rewarding career and productive business.
Shivani Gupta is CEO of leadership coaching firm Passionate People.